Made in 72 hours for Winter MelonJam 2023!

WASD to move.

List of all outside assets used:


Fire Projectile:
Title Screen/Game Over/Win Screen Background Stone Texture:

Made withGodot


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This was a super nice little game! The custom assets are really cute, and the title/lose/win screen is pretty impressive. Hoods are hard enough to draw with full resolution lol. My major point of critique is that because I'm playing with a trackpad, the spell controls don't work for me! In trying to beat the game without them I discovered that you can just run around the enemies and still eventually win. Still enjoyed it though :]


Woah, loved the game! Would love to see more! For your first game, this is super impressive. 


so good style and cute gameplay!


This is really impressive for your first game! I felt so powerful using the fire-bolt spell and the zombie melting animation is pretty satisfying. The idea of holding the orb to cast magic, but at the cost of your movement speed is smart. It's a neat way to add some risk/reward. Great job!